Welcome to Conquering COVID Chaos!
We are in crazy and chaotic times. I’ve even heard quite a few people in leadership refer to us as “Being At War”. Two months ago, I thought I was prepared for almost anything. And in war, almost “anything”, especially the unexpected, usually happens. For the most part, I was adequately prepared, I just didn’t have a contingency plan for the WORLD shutting down! In a matter of days, our world has been turned upside down. The question is, what are you going to do to get “YOUR world” right side up, again? Some are experiencing a reconnection with their family. Single moms are quarantined at home, trying to work from home, homeschool and still find a little sanity for themselves, while yet others struggle to figure out where they will live in a few months and what they will eat tomorrow. My desire is to show up as a voice of inspiration guidance for inspired-gutsy action, no matter what your circumstance. To keep reminding you there is hope. Take the action you need to take in order to create Calm in the midst of this Chaos and come out of this transformed and more resilient than ever.
As great grandmother would say…“Something goooood’s gonna come outta THIS!”