Take a moment right now and ask yourself the following questions. What do you really want out of your life? What do you want for your role in your company? What do you want your journey to look like? Do you want to take on a specific project? If so, will it be working toward your career goals and objectives? How do you want to arrive at the end of your journey and how do you want to look and feel when you get there?
These questions asked and answered up front can easily increase the enjoyment of your journey in creating your breakthrough career. Remember, it is okay not to know how you are going to get there in the very beginning. In fact, if your vision or dream is big enough, there is a very good chance you will not know how to reach your desired end state, but the answers are just a step away. Once you have the main question of “What you really want” answered, it is time to craft a plan to make it happen.

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